The Guide To Quitting
30 Day Transformation
quit drinking to uncover your true potential
Sound familiar?
-You’re drinking more than you want to
-You need a hard reset
-You’ve tried and failed non-drinking challenges in the past
2023 is the year to change
your relationship with alcohol.
Drinking and greatness are incompatible. And you, my dear, are great! Alcohol may just be standing in your way.
Join the 30-day transformation challenge to optimize your truest potential.
Inside the course
Inside my 30-Day Transformation Challenge, you get:
how it works

13 lessons
Access all thirteen lessons across four modules

Structured Action Steps
Along with each lesson, a short practice will help your sober journey

Guided Support
When you join the Transformation Challenge, you'll get my personal instruction and guidance for 21 days
become the butterfly

caterpiller phase
You know you want to change your relationship with alcohol, or at least thinking about a break.

crysallis stage
The cocoon encapsulates both visible outer transformations and private inner ones.

butterfly stage
You are entering your butterfly stage, or the action phase. The butterfly symbolizes a powerful beacon of growth and new beginnings

freedom stage
As your 30-days comes to an end, now is the time for deep introspective and reflection

What are you waiting for?
Instagram: @the.soberbutterfly
Twitter: The Sober Butterfly
Tik-tok: The Sober Butterfly