Welcome to our special Valentine’s Day episode, where we celebrate love, faith, and sobriety.

In this episode, we have a lighthearted conversation with a Christian couple where one partner has chosen to live their life without alcohol. While this may seem like a serious or restrictive decision, our guests prove that a life of sobriety can be fun, fulfilling, and full of laughter.

Our guests, Ahmad Rashad and Toya, share their personal stories of how Ahmad came to the decision to give up alcohol. They talk about the challenges they faced in a world where drinking is often seen as a social norm, and how their faith played a role in their decision.

Despite the challenges, Ahmad and Toya have found that living without alcohol has opened up a whole new world of possibilities. They have discovered new purpose, found deeper connections with friends and family, and learned to enjoy the simple pleasures of life.

We discuss the misconceptions and stereotypes associated with being sober, and Ahmad and Toya challenge these stereotypes by sharing their own experiences of joy and fulfillment without alcohol. They also provide tips and advice for others who may be considering a sober lifestyle.

Throughout the conversation, Ahmad and Toya’s love and humor shine through. They share funny anecdotes and playful banter, proving that a life of sobriety can be just as fun and enjoyable as a life with alcohol.

In the end, our guests leave us with a message of hope and encouragement. They remind us that a life of sobriety is not about what you’re giving up, but rather what you’re gaining. It’s about living life to the fullest, with joy, purpose, and a sense of fulfillment that can only come from God.

So join us for a fun and inspiring conversation with Ahmad and Toya and discover the beauty of living life to the fullest without alcohol.

As an added Valentine’s day special, host Nadine Mulvina gets  powerful advice from this expert married couple of over 19 years in regards to her own dating life and celibacy.


Toya and Ahmad on Instagram: @ toya_marriage advice

Nadine: @the.soberbutterfly

For collabs email hello@thesoberbutterfly.com.

New episodes every Tuesday!

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